


Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:12 AM EDT
Activity: Investigate!

Once I decided that I was making a bow I had to research the best type of wood to use, and different techniques and materials used to make a handmade bow. This project taught me that different techniques can be used to get the same end result. I learned that sometimes you have to improvise to prevail. For example I didn't have access to some of the tools used in some of the videos, so I had to find similar tools that would work just as well.

Productivity is never an accident

Tick Tock

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:12 AM EDT
Activity: Tick Tock

This project taught me about time management skills. Through this it taught me to plan out the project one step at a time. When you follow the steps one at a time the project becomes a lot easier to manage. I also realized that when you have a complicated project that involves a lot of detailed work you need to give yourself extra time in case of any problems that may occur.


Ready, Set, Pitch

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:12 AM EDT
Activity: Ready, Set, Pitch

This project taught me that it is always a good idea to collaborate during a project. Collaboration can spark new ideas and solutions to a problem. I was fortunate enough to collaborate with two woodworking experts who gave me advice throughout the project. For example I wasn't sure how to cut the width of the bow, so I talked with my grandpa who was a retired woodworking teacher to find a solution.