
Stay strong believe in yourself never give up vector 29447572

Find My Passions

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:12 AM EDT
Activity: Find My Passions

This activity shows that others perceive me the same way I see myself. This can help me in my PIP because the questions that we answer the same prove that I am determined to work hard and use these skills to fulfill my PIP.

Question mark

Learn, Solve, Make, Do

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:12 AM EDT
Activity: Learn, Solve, Make, Do

My five ideas are researching about my family ancestry, teach how to use a bow and arrow, make a bow out of wood, make polish foods, or create a way to remove overgrown vegetation in our pond without disturbing the ecosystem. I believe that these could be great PIP's because these are all things I am interested in, and will present me with a challenge I will have to overcome.


Pick a Project

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:12 AM EDT
Activity: Pick a Project

For my PIP I will be making a bow and then teaching how to use it. I chose this project because I love to make things out of wood and I love the sport of archery. I am doing something I love, and at the same time I could be helping someone who has an interest in learning about archery.


Project Proposal

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:12 AM EDT
Activity: Project Proposal

For this project I will sketch the bow on a piece of paper and on that paper I will include the type of wood, the dimensions, and the detailed design I plan to add to the bow. Then I will purchase the wood needed and then sketch out the bow on the piece of wood. Next I will cut out the shape of the bow, and then start sanding it to its proper dimensions. Once that is complete I will then add the final details to the bow, such as a handle and inscriptions. Lastly, I will create a tutorial video of how to use a bow safely and accurately.