
Slide find your passion

Find My Passions

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:22 AM EDT
Activity: Find My Passions

It really meant something to think about myself, the good and bad things and what I've done in my life. It was especially awesome to have someone write something out of me and not be selfish or anything but it felt great! This PIP project is going to take a lot of work but taking a break every once in a while to reflect on what you've done can be beneficial. Though I am still looking for my career passion, for the PIP I am ready to ROCK!!

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Learn, Solve, Make, Do

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:14 AM EDT
Activity: Learn, Solve, Make, Do

This assignment being timed and having to think about myself and what I like to do for a couple of minutes helped expand my knowledge of what I want to do. I have some good ideas from the assignment. This project requires learning about a topic, making something, and doing it. The best thing I got out of this assignment is what I can do and how I can expand on that idea into my Capstone

38 expect best plan for worst denis waitley

Pick a Project

Friday, March 22, 2024 | 6:27 AM EDT
Activity: Pick a Project

It took me a while to come up with three project ideas. All of the projects I chose are ones I like doing, interested in, and know a lot about. This activity was really the first time I began thinking directly about what I wanted to do for my project and now I'm excited to get started. A big thing I especially got out of this is that if my first project idea turns out to be a bust, I have 2 more after it I would enjoy doing.

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Project Proposal

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:14 AM EDT
Activity: Project Proposal

The Discover section was finding what I like to do. Now this activity focused it down to one project. LIVE TO TELL THE TALE (Wilderness Survival) is my final project idea. It is a mix of something I love, something I enjoy teaching too, and a way to have fun working with my friends and family. This activity instead of thinking about what project I wanted to do unlike the other activities, but what the project was gonna look like. LET'S GET STARTED!!