

Final Pitch

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:14 AM EDT
Activity: Final Pitch

We just did the PIP fair in school today but I forgot to record it. So I presented my project to my mom pretty much the same way I did it to everyone else today. Talked about how I have 2 scenarios and how to fully cover wilderness survival, all are needed. I also talked about how I didn't use any of my due dates and I lost motivation. But I ended with my trailer which was so cheesy she actually laughed and some positive takeaways from this project. Now I can say....CAPSTONE COMPLETED!!!!

So howd it go

How’d It Go?

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:14 AM EDT
Activity: How’d It Go?

In this activity I got to understand my strengths and weaknesses of this project. The presentation made me think of ways to improve and where I am right now. My PIP is pretty much done now and this activity made me think about everything that happened and the accomplishments and things I learned along the way.