
Tears in the mirror logo

Blog #10

Tuesday, May 03, 2022 | 12:48 PM EDT

Today was a really productive day! I finished scene 2 of my script and did research for scene 3 of my script. I wanted to make sure that the way Melatiah was speaking was at least somewhat accurate. I also caught up on my logs for the past few days. Then after outclass and lunch I worked on the script some more. We then went into the theory room and finished the portfolio presentations. I then started the pc pro test out lessons and took some very detailed notes. I wanted to do 1 hour of pc pro practice in school and the other 3 ½ at home either before or after work.

Tears in the mirror logo

Blog #9

Tuesday, May 03, 2022 | 12:32 PM EDT

I coded the majority of the script that I have done into the program files. I also looked at the gui to see what I wanted to change and if I could make it my own like the game DDLC did with their gui.

Tears in the mirror logo

Blog #8

Tuesday, May 03, 2022 | 12:32 PM EDT

I exported the 2 art scenes I already have done and added them into the game so I can see how they look. I think I did pretty good, and I can see my art style slowly improving. I also wrote down character descriptions for Celeste, Raven, and Octo. I also have a basic outline for how I want their characters to be drawn. I know I should’ve had my character models done by now but I want the major part of my project which is the backgrounds to be done first. I also have been really indecisive about how I want my game to be presented so I keep changing the details about the game.

Tears in the mirror logo

Blog #7

Tuesday, May 03, 2022 | 12:32 PM EDT

I finished coloring in the initial bedroom scene and began to watch a video on python coding language. Although Ren'py is not written in python it's coding language is based on python so as long as I have a better understanding in python I will be able to code better in Ren'py. I also began looking into different types of music that I may want to add inside of the game.

Tears in the mirror logo

Blog #6

Tuesday, May 03, 2022 | 12:33 PM EDT

This Thursday I came back and began to draw a new art scene for my game due to the revisions that I made on my script. I also added a new character to my game called Raven. I wanted to add them as a narrator type person. I hope it adds more detail for the player instead of just playing through Celeste’s point of view. It’ll also act like a kind of a tutorial to help the player pick choices. I also added another scene into the script so that Raven is introduced in her own fashionable way.

Pip district logo

Blog #4

Wednesday, April 06, 2022 | 1:08 PM EDT

Today I added to my script and decided to change an important plot point so I had to do some more art. I wanted to do a type of washed out scene with no color so I took some of the scenes I had and drew a white outline over the original outline and then filled it in black to get a more interesting look. I also watched some videos on python since Ren’py’s coding language is based in python. Also in the script I added more choices for the demo to illustrate different routes in the game.

Tears in the mirror logo

Blog #3

Tuesday, May 03, 2022 | 12:33 PM EDT

I have continued to work on the script and add a little bit more detail to how I wanted the characters to present themselves. I also wrote down how I wanted the characters to look and how their style choices would reflect their choices. I also worked more in photoshop on the logo.

Tears in the mirror logo

Blog #2

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 | 12:55 PM EDT

I started to work on the script for my game demo, so I started with writing out the names of the characters I am using which are Celeste Miseria and Melatiah Octavius. Celeste is the main character who finds out she is a descendant of witches who praised medusa and gets transported back in time where she meets Melatiah and needs to find out her true origins while trying to get back to her own time. Melatiah on the other hand comes from a long line of witch hunters. He is filled with prejudice taught to him by the ones before him. When he meets Celeste his world gets thrown for a loop and everything he believes in gets challenged. I can’t wait to further explore these characters and showcase them in the game.

Tears in the mirror logo

Blog #1

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 | 12:22 PM EDT

I wanted to create a logo for my game so that I can have something that really defines what I have for ideas for my project. I want to use the colors green and gold as it fits in with my theme of revenge and jealousy, as green is associated with jealousy and gold is associated with power or royalty it’ll help give hints on what the themes of the game are. I went through many iterations of what type of mirror I wanted for the logo but I ended up with a more antique looking one so it can tie into the lore of the game