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Find My Passions

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:08 AM EDT
Activity: Find My Passions

Through this project I learned that there are many factors that make me who I am. My childhood fascination with technology and my future goals of going into a computer science related field drive me to be how I am. It was interesting how other people thought of me, and to my suprise, it was pretty similar to how I thought of myself. My project will definitely take on some of my core values.

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Learn, Solve, Make, Do

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:08 AM EDT
Activity: Learn, Solve, Make, Do

In this project I listed a bunch of potential project ideas I may be interested in. Out of all of them, I think my best and favorite choices are between making a mobile app, developing computer software, or creating a desktop game. Making a game seems to be the most fun out of all three choices. The other two I have always wanted to try out, but I just didn't know where and how to start. I would have to do a lot more in terms of learning for all three options. My game project might be the most feasible out of all the options because I do have some prior experience in that field. It's not much, but it's something.

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Pick a Project

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:08 AM EDT
Activity: Pick a Project

In this activity I listed the pros and cons of the three options I may consider for my PIP. Out of all three, I feel like my favorite option is making a video game. It seems to be the most fun, and I do want to work in that field in the future. I already have some background knowledge in game development from the past, and there are a few people in the shop that also know a lot. It is the option I feel I can develop this project idea the most with the time I and resources I have available to me.

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Project Proposal

Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 6:08 AM EDT
Activity: Project Proposal

This activity finalizes my project plans, as I am committed to making a game for my PIP project. The game will be made with the Unity Game Engine, and it will be a 2D side scrolling platformer. The overarching story and goal of the game will be to gather 5 relics, and to accomplish this, the player will solve puzzles and complete tasks. It may be changed in the future, but as of right now, I've decided to name it "Erstwhile Lands".